Jan 19 – 24, 2025
Asia/Jakarta timezone

We are pleased to inform you that we have the 7th Particle Physics School in South-East Asia with some emphasis on B physics from January 19th to 24th, 2025 at Gedung Kuliah Terpadu, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, dedicated for young students. We look forward to having many students attend this enjoyable school.

Those who want to attend the school are requested to make a registration. Selection will be done based on the filled information. The deadline of the registration is Nov. 10 23:59 JST.

Participation fee (IDR 200,000 is planned) is necessary to attend the school. The dormitory and meals are provided during the school. Financial support is available to cover travel expense for the limited number of participants.

Slides for lectures are available at https://kekcloud.kek.jp/index.php/s/Xy8F6XnA8iri8x3 .

This school is supported by KEK International and Inter-institution Network for Accelerator Science to Next Generation (KEK IINAS-NX).

International and Inter-Institution Network for Accelerator Science to Next Generation (IINAS-NX) (kek.jp)

