Jan 19 – 24, 2025
Asia/Jakarta timezone


The participants are supposed to arrive at UIN Sunan Kalijaga in the evening of Jan 19 (Sun). The lectures start on Jan 20 (Mon).


We will provide the following lectures:
 ● 4 lectures in series on Particle Physics Theory
 ● 4 lectures in series on Particle Physics Experiment
 ● 4 lectures in series on Particle Accelerator
 ● 4 lectures in series on Particle Detector
Each slot of lectures and discussions are for 90 minutes.

Student Presentation on Jan 24 [9:00-11:30]

Participants are divided into 4 groups. (1 group: about 10 students)
Each group gives a presentation on assignments.

4 groups
 (1) Particle Physics Theory

 (2) Particle Physics Experiment
 (3) Detector
 (4) Accelerator

Each Group has 30 minutes
 -Presentation: 20 minutes
 -Discussion:  10 minutes

Each lecturer gives some assignment(s)
Students have a time to prepare the presentation.

If participants have PCs, we recommend they carry their own PCs.
Participants are able to connect to the Internet through Wifi free of charge.