Nov 12 – 17, 2018
Tsukuba International Congress Center
Japan timezone

This conference follows the series of meetings previously held in Adelaide, Julich, Bloomington, Madrid, Beijing, Palaiseau, and Valparaiso. Experimentalists and theorists will discuss recent developments in the field of hadron and nuclear physics, and the following topics will be covered:

(1) Quark and gluon structure of hadrons,

(2) Hadron spectroscopy,

(3) Hadron interactions and nuclear structure, and

(4) Hot and cold dense matter.

In addition to plenary sessions, parallel sessions will be organized in the above topics. A poster session will be also arranged. Young postdocs and students are especially welcome. Updated information will be announced on the conference web ( ).

Note: Please submit your abstract from the page of "Abstract Submission Form" of this indico. The conference registration should be done from the Kinki-Nippon-tourist web page (

Tsukuba International Congress Center