Service Unavailable: Maintenance for System Migration : Fri, 23rd Aug 09:00-13:00, 2024(JST)

27 May 2018 to 1 June 2018
Yamagata Terrsa
Japan timezone
HQL 2018 Yamagata


Rare Decay

28 May 2018, 14:00
Applause Hall (Yamagata Terrsa)

Applause Hall

Yamagata Terrsa

1-2-3 Futabacho, Yamagata 990-0828, Yamagata Prefecture


Rare Decay

  • Akimasa Ishikawa

Rare Decay

  • Brad Cox

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Joaquim Matias (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
28/05/2018, 14:00
Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary University of London)
28/05/2018, 14:30
Jonatan Piedra Gomez (University of Cantabria)
28/05/2018, 14:50
Preema Pais (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
28/05/2018, 15:10
Nanae Taniguchi (KEK IPNS)
28/05/2018, 16:00
Katsuro Nakamura (KEK IPNS)
28/05/2018, 16:20
Building timetable...