Feb 14 – 16, 2019
KEK (Tsukuba)
Asia/Tokyo timezone



We booked a block of rooms at "Urban Hotel", "Okura Frontier Hotel" and "Okura Frontier Hotel Epochal" for the participants. For booking, please visit the links below.


• Urban Hotel (~25min on foot)

   without breakfast (6,300 yen/night)
   with breakfast (7,160 yen/night)

   (magic word is "KEK-FF" with all lower case and without hyphen.)

• Okura Frontier Hotel (9,500 yen/night, ~20min by public local bus)

• Okura Frontier Hotel Epochal (8,500 yen/night, ~20min by public local bus)

The number of rooms is limited, and booked by first-come-first-served principle.

Some rooms are available also at the KEK dormitory. To book, please select the room type in the registration form. The number of rooms is VERY limited, and may soon be fully booked.