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15–18 Dec 2020
Online (Zoom)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Thermodynamics of TT-bar deformed O(N) vector model

16 Dec 2020, 16:00
Online (Zoom)

Online (Zoom)

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Mr Junichi Haruna (Kyoto U.)


We investigate an irrelevant deformation of 2D quantum field theories, called "TT-bar deformation". Although this is known as an integrable deformation, its quantum aspects have not been completely understood yet. For example, TT-bar deformation of the free massless O(N) vector model is said to be Nambu-Goto action in the static gauge. In this talk, we compute the thermal free energies in both theories, and discuss the equivalence between TT-bar deformed O(N) vector model and Nambu-Goto action at quantum level.

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