Dec 15 – 18, 2020
Online (Zoom)
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Short talks

Dec 15, 2020, 3:45 PM
Online (Zoom)

Online (Zoom)

The necessary information (links, IDs and passwords) will be sent to the participants by E-mail before the workshop starts.


Short talks: "Topological color-superconductivity in QCD with one flavor", Noriyuki Sogabe (KEK, Institute of Modern Physics)

  • Chair: Yoshimasa Hidaka (KEK)

Short talks: "Topological term, QCD anomaly, and the $\eta'$ chiral soliton lattice in rotating baryonic matter", Kentaro Nishimura (Keio U.)

  • Chair: Yoshimasa Hidaka (KEK)

Short talks: "A physicist-friendly reformulation of the mod-two Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index", Yoshiyuki Matsuki (Osaka U.)

  • Chair: Yoshimasa Hidaka (KEK)

Short talks: "Entanglement entropy in interacting field theories", Katsuta Sakai (KEK)

  • Chair: Asato Tsuchiya (Shizuoka U.)

Short talks: "Momentum-space entanglement in scalar field theory on the fuzzy sphere", Shoichi Kawamoto (NTHU)

  • Chair: Asato Tsuchiya (Shizuoka U.)

Short talks: "Topological Vertex/anti-Vertex and Supergroup Gauge Theory", Yuji Sugimoto (U. of Sci. and Tech. of China)

  • Chair: Asato Tsuchiya (Shizuoka U.)

Short talks: (A) "Non-abelian DBI Action on Magnetized Extra Dimensions", Yoshihiko Abe (Kyoto U.)

  • Chair: Yusuke Kimura (KEK)

Short talks: (B) "Instatons and Berry's connections on quantum graph", Inori Ueba (Kobe U.)

  • Chair: Matsuo Sato (Hirosaki U.)

Short talks: (B) "Non-simply laced Lie groups and half-hypermultiplets in F-theory", Rinto Kuramochi (SOKENDAI)

  • Chair: Matsuo Sato (Hirosaki U.)

Short talks: (A) "Catalytic Creation of Bubble Universe Induced by Quintessence in Five Dimensions", Issei Koga (Kyushu U.)

  • Chair: Yusuke Kimura (KEK)

Short talks: (B) "Thermodynamics of TT-bar deformed O(N) vector model", Junichi Haruna (Kyoto U.)

  • Chair: Matsuo Sato (Hirosaki U.)

Short talks: (A) "Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense NambuーJona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group", Shinichiro Akiyama (U. of Tsukuba)

  • Chair: Yusuke Kimura (KEK)

Short talks: (B) "Wavefunctions in dS/CFT revisited: principal series and double-trace deformations", Hoiki Liu (U. of Tokyo)

  • Chair: Matsuo Sato (Hirosaki U.)

Short talks: (A) "Complex poles of QCD propagators and their interpretation", Yui Hayashi (Chiba U.)

  • Chair: Yusuke Kimura (KEK)

Short talks: (A) "Complex Langevin analysis of four-dimensional SU(2) gauge theory with a theta term", Atis Yosprakob (SOKENDAI)

  • Chair: Masafumi Fukuma (Kyoto U.)

Short talks: (B) "Wilson-'t Hooft lines as transfer matrices", Toshihiro Ota (Osaka U.)

  • Chair: Katsushi Ito (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

Short talks: (B) "Non-perturbative Tests of Duality Cascades in Three Dimensional Supersymmetric Gauge Theories", Naotaka Kubo (YITP)

  • Chair: Katsushi Ito (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

Short talks: (A) "Partial Deconfinement at Strong Coupling on the Lattice", Hiromasa Watanabe (U. of Tsukuba)

  • Chair: Masafumi Fukuma (Kyoto U.)

Short talks: (B) "Superconformal index of the 6d (2,0) theory via the AdS/CFT correspondence", Shota Fujiwara (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

  • Chair: Katsushi Ito (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

Short talks: (A) "Space-time structure in the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model in the large-N limit", Mitsuaki Hirasawa (SOKENDAI)

  • Chair: Masafumi Fukuma (Kyoto U. )

Short talks: "JT gravity and the asymptotic Weil-Petersson volume", Yusuke Kimura (KEK)

  • Chair: Nobuyuki Ishibashi (U. of Tsukuba)

Short talks: "Pole-skipping of scalar and vector fields in hyperbolic space", Mitsuhiro Nishida (Gwangju Inst. of Sci. and Tech.)

  • Chair: Nobuyuki Ishibashi (U. of Tsukuba)

Short talks: "Current Driven Tricritical Point in Large-Nc Gauge Theory", Shin Nakamura (Chuo U.)

  • Chair: Nobuyuki Ishibashi (U. of Tsukuba)

Short talks: "Implications of the weak gravity conjecture in anomalous quiver gauge theories", Tetsutaro Higaki (Keio U.)

  • Chair: Hiroshi Suzuki (Kyushu U.)

Short talks: "The effects of fermions in the complex Langevin simulation of the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model", Kohta Hatakeyama (KEK)

  • Chair: Hiroshi Suzuki (Kyushu U.)

Short talks: "Can QCD Axion explain the CMB anisotropy?", Kiyoharu Kawana (SNU)

  • Chair: Hiroshi Suzuki (Kyushu U.)

Short talks: "Curvature perturbation and Anomaly explains dark energy", Yoshihisa Kitazawa (KEK)

  • Chair: Hiroshi Suzuki (Kyushu U.)

Short talks: "Classical Statistical simulation of Quantum Field Theory", Takayuki Hirayama (Chubu U.)

  • Chair: Hirotsugu Fujii (U. of Tokyo)

Short talks: "Relativistic fluid dynamics for spin polarization", Rajeev Singh (Inst. of Nucl. Phys. Polish Academy of Sciences)

  • Chair: Hirotsugu Fujii (U. of Tokyo)

Short talks: "Applications of the twisted boson theory and linear response theory to XXZ chain", Yoshiki Fukusumi (Zagreb U.)

  • Chair: Hirotsugu Fujii (U. of Tokyo)

Short talks: "Islands in Schwarzschild black holes", Yoshinori Matsuo (Osaka U.)

  • Chair: Yoichi Kazama (Rikkyo U.)

Short talks: "Holographic Moving Mirror and Page Curve", Zixia Wei (YITP)

  • Chair: Yoichi Kazama (Rikkyo U.)

Short talks: "KdV-charged black holes", Sotaro Sugishita (KEK)

  • Chair: Yoichi Kazama (Rikkyo)

Presentation materials

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