We study the ground states of low-density hadronic matter and high-density color-flavor locked color superconducting phase in three-flavor QCD at finite baryon chemical potential under rotation. We find that, in both cases under sufficiently fast rotation, the combination of the rotation-induced topological term for the η' meson and the QCD anomaly leads to an inhomogeneous condensate of the $\eta'$ meson, known as the chiral soliton lattice (CSL). We find that, when baryon chemical potential is much larger than isospin chemical potential, the critical angular velocity for the realization of the $\eta'$ CSL is much smaller than that for the $\pi_0$ CSL found previously. We also argue that the $\eta'$ CSL states in flavor-symmetric QCD at low density and high density should be continuously connected, extending the quark-hadron continuity conjecture in the presence of the rotation.