23–26 Jan 2018
KEK Tsukuba Campus
Japan timezone
<font color="black">Proceedings submission due date : </font><font color="red">Mar. 16, 2018 (Postponed)</font><font color="black">, see Author Instructions</font>

Author instructions

Preparation abstracts

We plan to make abstracts of all presentations open access on ISRD2018 web page. So, we would like to ask you to reformat your abstract according to the template and submit it from online submission page until November 30th. Please note that the acceptable file format is PDF only and the password ISRD2018 is necessary for the submission. Depending on your needs, minor modifications of your abstract and addition of figures, tables and references are acceptable.

Presentation Guidelines

A. Oral presentation :

We have reserved 15 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion for each talk. 35 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion for invited talks. Please prepare a Powerpoint or PDF-File for your presentation and upload it to the Indico timetable. Local organizer will help you. The all session will take place in the Kobayashi hall. We will provide a microphone, a presentation computer for displaying the slides and a laser pointer for the speakers, too. All oral presentation must be in English.

B. Poster presentation :

For each poster presentation, one board in portrait style for a vertical A0 sheet is reserved. Push pins will be available at the registration desk. We have reserved 120 minutes for poster presentations on evening of Wednesday, Jan. 24th.


All papers are eligible for submission to JPS conference proceedings. They will be subjected to peer review process contacted by the conference committee. Format can be found on this page. 8 and 6 pages manuscript are requested for invited and the other (oral/poster) presentations. Details of submission will be announced on Symposium home page. The proceedings will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution. The dead line for submission is March 16th (Postponed). Click here for submission page (JPS web page for ISRD2018 proceedings).