Sep 18 – 22, 2017
IVIL: industry & information plaza, Tokai-mura
Japan timezone

Venue & Program

Workshop Venue

The workshop venue, IVIL: industry & information plaza, Tokai-mura village, is 3 minute walk from the east gate of JR Tokai station. Guests are recommended to stay in a hotel near either Mito station or Katsuta station and use the train service to reach the workshop venue. It takes 10-15min by JR Joban-line local train from Katsuta/Mito station to Tokai station. Since you will utilize the train every day, it may be worth to try purchasing IC card ticket.

By car:  Since parking at IVIL is limited, to use  temporary large parking space, 5min walk to IVIL, is recommended. 

Please note, that the entrance of the venue opens exactly on 09:00 (and closes on 21:00). The registration desk will be opened on 18th/20th for NBI/RaDIATE guests, respectively. Please visit R101 at ground floor. All sessions are to be organized at a multi-purpose hall in the same floor.

There are a number of local lunch options near the venue, including a shopping center (AEON).


Daily Schedule

September 18: The workshop will be started with NBI specific sessions. Registration desk will be opened on 09:00a.m. (exact) at IVIL. Participants are invited to a welcome reception in the late afternoon.

September 19: NBI specific sessions will continue. A keynote lecture to celebrate NuMI 700kW operation by Dr. James Hylen (Fermilab) will be in the late afternoon, after a wine&cheese break.

September 20: Registration desk for RaDIATE participants will be opened in the morning at IVIL in parallel to a NBI session. In the afternoon, both NBI and RaDIATE participants are invited to a tour to J-PARC facilities and Reactor Fuel Examination Facility (RFEF) at JAEA. A banquet is scheduled in the evening, after a brief sightseeing at O-arai, Pacific Ocean seashore.

September 21: Sessions common to NBI and RaDIATE will be organized, where target facilities, target and beam windows, results and novel techniques of Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) will be discussed. After the NBI wrap-up in the late afternoon, RaDIATE specific sessions will be continued.

September 22: Sessions for RaDIATE participants will be organized, including status and plans for the undergoing irradiation experiment at BNL-BLIP facility and successive PIEs,  thermal shock studies at CERN HiRadMat facility. A room is reserved for NBI-only participants for possible meetings and discussions.

* September 23: An optional one-day tour to Kamioka underground laboratories, Super-Kamiokande and Kamland will be organized. Detail is given in a separate page.


Sessions and Contributions

 We anticipate contributions in the following sessions:

 NBI specific sessions (Sep.18-20):

  • Facility Operation Updates & Future Facilities
  • Beam Interlock System
  • Primary Beamline & Beam Monitors
  • Neutrino Flux Prediction & Hadron Production Measurements
  • Horns
  • Decay Volume, Beam Dump & Facility Design
  • Remote Maintenance
  • Radiation Protection & Waste Treatments

NBI+RaDIATE common sessions (Sep.20-21):

  • Neutrino Target & Window
  • Neutron Facilities & HPT Radiation Damage Studies
  • Nuclear/Rare Process Physics Facilities & HPT Radiation Damage Studies
  • HPT Radiation Damage Studies, PIE Testing & Techniques

RaDIATE specific sessions (Sep.21-22):

  • Monte Carlo Codes for Radiation Damage Estimation
  • Novel Materials for Targetry Application
  • Low Energy Ion Beam Facilities & PIE Activities in Japan
  • BLIP Irradiation Experiment Status & Plans
  • HiRadMat Thermal Shock Experiment Plans

Please contact the NBI Scientific Advisory Committee and/or RaDIATE representatives if you wish to make a contribution - initial program to be set in late August.