Aug 3 – 12, 2023
Asia/Tokyo timezone
ISBA23 is succesfully completed. See you next times in ISBA24!

School information

The school is held from 3 - 12 August 2023 in person. At registration, the ISBA school committee requests the CV and letter of recommendation to all students. Then, the ISBA23 school committee will review the students’ CVs and letters of recommendation. After the review, the ISBA23 school committee will select a certain number of good students.

To the selected good students, the air ticket to Korea, and daily meal will be provided by the ISBA organizer.

During the school, all students stay in PAL guest room, and ISBA will pay its bill to the selected students.

The student can join the social events including reception, excursion, laboratory tour, and banquet without additional payment.

The local surface transportation in your country and in Korea should be managed by yourself.

Internet connection in the guest room and lecture room are available. If you have any special dietary requests, please contact to ISBA organizer.

Map of the Venue (PAL)