Exploring BSM physics with muons


The purpose of this workshop is to discuss current and possible future physics programs using high intensity muon sources. The topics include rare muon decays, precision measurements of muon g-2/EDM, as well as muon colliders. This is the first joint activity between Switzerland and Japan on muon programs. We aim for close communications among physicists from two countries that have been leading muon physics, and discuss possible future programs to explore Beyond-the-Standard-Model physics.


The workshop is in-person only. The deadline for the registration is Sep. 2 (Mon), 2024.


invited speakers:

* Dario Buttazzo  (INFN, Pisa) : Physics at muon colliders
* Sacha Davidson (U. Montpellier 2, LUPM) : Lepton flavor violation
* Admir Greljo (U. Basel) : BSM models
* Martin Hoferichter  (U. Bern) : Muon g-2/EDM
* Ryutaro Matsudo (KEK) : muTRISTAN
* Shohei Okawa (KEK) : Flavor physics
* Joe Sato (Yokohama National U.) : Neutrino physics

* Lukas Gerritzen (ICEPP, U. Tokyo) : MEG II and upgrade 
* Masato Kimura (KEK) : muon cooling@JPARC
* Shinji Ogawa (KEK) : g-2/EDM@J-PARC
* Kou Oishi (KEK) : COMET 
* Chris Rogers (RAL/ISIS) : Muon collider
* Anna Soter (ETHZ) : muonium/muonic atom
* Dominika Vasilkova (U. Liverpool) : muEDM (FNAL/PSI) 
* Ce Zhang (U. Liverpool) : FNAL g-2 
* Thomas Rudzki (PSI) : Mu3e


Andreas Crivellin (PSI)

Gino Isidori (UZH)

Ryuichiro Kitano (KEK)

Tsutomu Mibe (KEK)

Satoshi Mihara (KEK)

Wataru Ootani (U.Tokyo)

Angela Papa (PSI)

Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg (PSI)

Peter Stoffer (PSI)


This workshop is sponsored by PSI and the JSPS KAKENHI grants, "Promotion of muon particle physics in an international framework," JP22K21350.

  • Admir Greljo
  • Alberto Lusiani
  • Angela Papa
  • Arianna Tinari
  • Atsushi Oya
  • Chris Rogers
  • Dario Buttazzo
  • DAVIDSON Sacha
  • Dominika Vasilkova
  • Emanuelle Pinsard
  • Francesco Renga
  • Franziska Hagelstein
  • Frederic Noël
  • Gino Isidori
  • Gioacchino Piazza
  • Giovanni Dal Maso
  • Jan-Niklas Toelstede
  • Joe Sato
  • Klaus Kirch
  • Kou Oishi
  • Lily Morvaj
  • Luca Naterop
  • Lukas Allwicher
  • Lukas Gerritzen
  • Malte Hildebrandt
  • Marko Pesut
  • Martin Hoferichter
  • Masato Kimura
  • Mayu Wada
  • Peter Stoffer
  • Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg
  • Rei Sakakibara
  • Ryuichiro KITANO
  • Ryusei Umakoshi
  • Ryutaro Matsudo
  • Satoshi Mihara
  • Shinji OGAWA
  • Shohei Okawa
  • Sophie Kollatzsch
  • Thomas Theodor Rudzki
  • Timothy Hume
  • Toshinori Mori
  • Toshiyuki Iwamoto
  • Tsutomu MIBE
  • Wataru Ootani
  • Zachary Polonsky