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18–19 Sept 2019
Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan, KEK Tsukuba Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

WEP4: Poster Session (click here and see View details)

Not scheduled
Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan, KEK Tsukuba Campus

Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan, KEK Tsukuba Campus


6 posters for 2 days WEP4P1: Backported and Under Developing Items in amorita Private Repository WEP4P2: New EPICS Channel Access Backend WEP4P3: Inside of Optics and Orbit Server/Client System for SuperKEKB WEP4P4: Optics Measurement and Correction at SuperKEKB WEP4P5: Measurement and Correction of Coupling in BEPC II/BER WEP4P6: Running SAD in Docker Environment

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
