Sep 18 – 19, 2019
Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan, KEK Tsukuba Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone
SAD is a computer code developed at KEK since 1986 ( for design/simulation/operation of accelerator beams. SAD has been applied for a number of accelerators including TRISTAN, KEK-ATF, SLAC-FFTB, KEKB, Photon Factory, J-PARC, BEPC-II, and SuperKEKB. It has been also used for deign works of future machines such as Muon Collider, ILC, CEPC, and FCC-ee. SAD features: - Beam optics calculation and matching up to 6D - Full symplectic 6D particle tracking, including weak-strong beam-beam effects, space charge, and wake fields - Beam envelope calculation with synchrotron radiation, intrabeam scattering, and space charge effects - Accelerator and beam operation with EPICS interface - A Mathematica-like script language for programming, data manipulation, and graphics with object-oriented feature Two SAD workshops have been held in 1998 and 2006: We think the workshop has at least two goals this time: - Exchange experiences (either good or bad) on using SAD at various projects - Learn other superior accelerator codes in the world to consider the future of SAD We welcome your attendance. Yukiyoshi Ohnishi, chair of Workshop SAD2019 This workshop is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17K05475. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conveners WEA: D. Zhou WEP: K. Oide THA: S. Kamada. THP: K. Yokoya
Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan, KEK Tsukuba Campus