Feb 18 – 21, 2020
Asia/Tokyo timezone

School for future electron positron colliders(Feb 24-28, 2020)

The School for Future Electron Positoron Colliders (Feb 24 2020 ~ Feb 28 2020)

Since Higgs boson has been discovered, there are considerable interest to the future e+e- collider to study the nature in detail. The Higgs physics likely connected to the big questions such as origin of the Universe, matters, and dark matter. After KEK-PH 2020, we organize a school for future e+e-collider. The school is primarily for the theory graduate students and PDs, but experimental students and PDs are also welcome. We aim to provide broad background and motivation to plan future electron positoron colliders.


Hitoshi Murayama (overview), Christoph Grojean (Theory of Future collider physics),  Aleksandr Azatov (BSM),  Junping Tian (ILC expeiments), Shigeki Matsumoto (Dark Matter),  Thomas Konstandin (Particle Physics and Cosmology), Jens Erler (Precision Physics), Manqi Ruan (CEPC) and more...

If you are interested in, please apply though the link below. Limited fund is available for students and postdoc to cover local expense for whole period of the stay. To be fully considered for the local support, please apply by Dec 15 for the participants from abroad, and by Dec 31 for the domestic participants.

To registor please follow the link: 


Time Table (9:30-18:00)

Feb. 24

Hitoshi Murayama (one or two slots)

Christoph Grojean (I)

Thomas Konstandin (I)

Manqi Ruan (IHEP, China)

Feb. 25 

Christoph Grojean (II)

Thomas Konstandin (II)

Aleksandr Azatov (I)

Junping Tian (I)


Feb. 26 

Aleksandr Azatov (II)

Jens Erler (I)

Shigeki Matsumoto (I)

Junping Tian (II)

(short talks I)

Feb. 27

Jens Erler (II)

Shigeki Matsumoto (II)

Aleksandr Azatov (III)

(short talks II) 

Feb. 28

Shigeki Matsumoto (III)

Jens Erler (III)

Christoph Grojean (summary)