Plenary: Monika Blanke "Recent news on the R(D(*)) anomaly"
- Ryuichiro KITANO
Plenary: Yusuke Uchiyama "High-energy physics with muons"
- Monika Blanke
Plenary: Akimasa Ishikawa "Status and Prospects at Belle II"
Plenary: Takashi Kaneko "Flavor physics from lattice QCD"
- Motoi ENDO
Plenary: Cari Cesarotti "The New Physics Case for a Future Muon Collider & Auxiliary Experiments"
- Masashi AIKO
Plenary: Dario Buttazzo "Electroweak physics at a muon collider"
- Masashi AIKO
Plenary: Masaya Ishino "Prospects for Energy Frontier Physics"
- Mihoko NOJIRI (KEK)
Plenary: Andrea Mitridate "PTAs: where we are and where we are going"
- Kazunori KOHRI (KEK/Theory)
Plenary: Yuichi Harikane "JWST Observations of High Redshift Galaxies"
- Kazunori KOHRI (KEK/Theory)
Plenary: Masahiro Ibe "Gauged Peccei-Quinn Symmetry and Dynamics of Cosmic String"
- Volodymyr Takhistov (QUP, KEK)
Plenary: Yang Bai "QCD-Collapsed Domain Walls"
- Volodymyr Takhistov (QUP, KEK)
Plenary: Hajime Otsuka "Flavor, CP and Modular Symmetries from the top down and the bottom up"
- Yuta Hamada
Plenary: Kantaro Ohmori "generalized symmetry in particle phenomenology"
- Yuta Hamada
Plenary: Masazumi Honda " Application of Quantum Computation to High Energy Physics"
- Wakutaka NAKANO (KEK)
Plenary: Hidetoshi Otono
- Monika Blanke
11/8/23, 1:30 PM
11/10/23, 9:00 AM