Nov 7 – 10, 2023
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The annual Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK-­PH2023) will be held at KEK between Nov 7th -10th. This meeting covers many topics in Particle Physics and Cosmology, from the Standard Model and models beyond the Standard Model to particle cosmology and astrophysics. We plan to discuss recent developments in modeling Physics Beyond the Standard Model with their phenomenological aspects and also learn about the latest results and status of various ongoing and planned experiments. 

The meeting includes talks by invited speakers and short talks by participants. All the talks will be given in English. We aim to provide an opportunity, not only for experts but also for master/Ph.D course students, to learn recent developments in particle physics phenomenology and to activate intensive discussions.

Registration is OPEN now! (Deadline: Oct. 27th)

(Please go through both KEK and workshop registrations.)

Deadline of applications for short talks: Oct. 2nd, 2023

registration fee: 1,000JPY (please pay at the registration desk.)


Invited Speakers: 

  • Yang Bai (U. Wisconsin, Madison): new physics
  • Monika Blanke (KIT): flavor
  • Dario Buttazzo (INFN, Pisa): muon collider
  • Cari Cesarotti (MIT): muon collider
  • Yuichi Harikane (ICRR, U. Tokyo): James Webb
  • Masazumi Honda (YITP, Kyoto U.): quantum information theory
  • Masahiro Ibe (ICRR, U. Tokyo): phenomenology
  • Akimasa Ishikawa (KEK): Belle II
  • Masaya Ishino (U. Tokyo) : LHC
  • Takashi Kaneko (KEK): lattice QCD
  • Andrea Mitridate (DESY): NANOGrav
  • Kantaro Ohmori (U. Tokyo): Formal
  • Hidetoshi Otono (Kyushu U.): FASER
  • Hajime Otsuka (Kyushu U.): modular symmetry
  • Yusuke Uchiyama (Kobe U.): muon experiment (MEG II)


This workshop is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP22K21350, JP21H01086, and JP19H00689.

Kobayashi Hall