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A nuclear periodic table: from elementouch to nucletouch 原子核で周期表を作ってみたら:エレメンタッチからニュークリタッチへ


Prof. Kouichi HAGINO (Kyoto University)


The magic numbers due to closures of the nucleonic shells, that correspond to noble gases in elements, have played a crucial role in nuclear physics. In this talk, we shall discuss our recent invention of a periodic table for atomic nuclei, called "Nucletuch". This is in a sense an extention of the 3D periodic table "Elementouch" invented by Y. Maeno in 2001. While the Elementouch recovers features of Mendeleev's periodic law, the "Nucletouch" provides a nice visualization of nuclear deformation. By comparing the two 3D periodic tables, we show that there is an accidental coincidence between them concerning the alignments of elements.

Primary author

Prof. Kouichi HAGINO (Kyoto University)


Y. MAENO (Kyoto University)

Presentation materials