Poster Award




Best Poster Award

Shoto Watanabe
渡辺 証斗
Hokkaido University
The optical potential for neutron-nucleus scattering derived by Bayesian optimization


Excellent Poster Award

Kazuki Fukui
福井 和輝
Osaka University
Design of a new shadow bar to improve the accuracy of benchmark experiments of large-angle elastic scattering reaction cross sections by 14MeV neutrons
Kazuya Shimada
島田 和弥
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Energy dependence of total kinetic energy of fission fragments for the standard and superlong modes analyzed separately by 4D Langevin model
Kenta Sugihara
杉原 健太
Kyushu University
Study on JQMD and INCL models for α particle incident neutron production
Daisuke Hatano
畑野 大輔
Osaka University
Design of real-time absolute epi-thermal neutron flux intensity monitor with LiCaF detector
Takahiro Hirayama
平山 貴大
Osaka University
Design and Construction of Epi-thermal Neutron Field with a Am-Be Source for Basic Researches for BNCT