[P23] Visualization of nuclear data used in PHITS and utilization of a tool to convert EXFOR to PHITS-readable format

18 Nov 2021, 16:00
2h 30m
Board: P23


Dr Naoya Furutachi (Research organization for information science and technology)


Monte Carlo particle transport code PHITS uses nuclear data with A Compact ENDF (ACE) format to simulate nuclear reactions. The current PHITS has only a limited functionality to display data given in ACE, and many of users do their work without knowing nuclear reaction cross-sections. To improve this situation, i have developed a functionality to display cross-sections, including double-differential ones, of ACE loaded in PHITS. I compared cross-sections obtained by simulations with a thin-target and directly derived from ACE, and confirmed that they agree. This functionality will encourage general PHITS-users to have familiarity with nuclear data and think about validity of their simulations.

Primary author

Dr Naoya Furutachi (Research organization for information science and technology)

Presentation materials