26–28 Oct 2021
Virtual (Zoom)
Asia/Tokyo timezone
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Status of MTCA.4 standard based LLRF control board for the linear accelerator of the STF-2 and the ILC

28 Oct 2021, 13:30
Virtual (Zoom)

Virtual (Zoom)


Toshihiro Matsumoto (KEK)


In the International Linear Collider (ILC), the RF power generated with a single RF source (10 MW multi-beam klystron) is supplied to 39 superconducting cavities, and the amplitude and phase of each cavity are operated by vector sum-feedback control to keep the accelerating electric field and phase constant in single RF unit. At the Superconducting Test Facility (STF) of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), the STF-2 accelerator has been constructed and operated for the research and development of the ILC. In order to build a minimum configuration of the low-level RF control system for the ILC, the MTCA.4 standard based digital control board using ZYNQ have been developed for the LLRF system of the STF2 accelerator. The present status of the digital control board developed at STF and the future plan for ILC are reported.

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