Sep 13 – 16, 2022
Nambu Hall
Asia/Tokyo timezone

First Bulletin

KAON2022 - International Conference on Kaon Physics 2022

First Bulletin in PDF format

General Information

The 2022 edition of the International Conference on Kaon Physics will be hosted by Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, from September 13th to 16th, 2022. This conference continues the KAON series which was originated in 1988 and offers opportunities for theorists and experimentalists from the high-energy physics community to discuss all aspects of kaon physics.

Previous Kaon Conferences

KAON 2019:

INFN and University of Perugia, Italy

KAON 2016:

University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

KAON 2013:

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

KAON 2009:

Tsukuba, Japan

KAON 2007:

Frascati, Italy

KAON 2005:

Northwestern University, USA

KAON 2001:

Pisa, Italy


University of Chicago, USA

Workshop on Kaon Physics:

1996 at Orsay, France

Workshop on Rare Kaon Decay Physics:

1991 at KEK, Japan

Rare Decay Symposium:

1988 at Vancouver, Canada

Scientific Program

The organizers aim to have a stimulating mix of presentations on experimental and theoretical particle physics covering recent results, current status, future plans of experiments, and new developments.

The program covers all aspects of kaon physics:

  • CP and T violation
  • CKM matrix and flavor mixing
  • Rare decays
  • Precision Standard Model tests
  • CPT and quantum mechanics
  • Lepton universality and flavor violation
  • Theory
  • Physics beyond the Standard Model
  • Future opportunities in kaon physics

The organizers aim to create an informal atmosphere among participants, with plenty of opportunity for discussions and developing contacts. All of the sessions will be plenary sessions. We welcome and encourage participation of all High Energy Physics experimentalists and theorists from graduate students to senior researchers.

To accommodate those who cannot participate in person, the conference will adopt hybrid style. Details will be available in future bulletins.


Participants will register by means of an online form available at the conference website after April 18th. The registration fees will be announced for various cases.


Important Dates

18 April 2022:

Registration starts

1 June 2022:

Letter of invitation for visa application

11 June 2022:

Deadline for abstract submission

4 July 2022:

Abstract decision

16 July 2022:

Early payment closes

13 August 2022:

Late payment closes

13-16 September 2022:



Contributions to this conference will be peer-reviewed and published online in the Institute of Physics Conference Series.

Social Activities

We plan to have an excursion in the afternoon of September 14th either September 14th or 15th, and a conference dinner in the evening of September 15th.


Accommodation is available in the area accessible by monorail and/or train. Typical prices of hotel rooms are around 4000 - 15,000 Yen / night / person. Hotel information will be available on the conference website.


Osaka University Toyonaka Campus is accessible from

  • Kansai International Airport (KIX),

  • Osaka Airport (ITM) via Narita International Airport (NRT) or Tokyo International Airport (HND), and

  • Shin-Osaka train station (for Shinkansen bullet train) via Tokyo.

More details will be available in the conference web page.