Dec 3 – 6, 2019
Japan timezone



*Hotel reservation is required to be made by the participant.

 Urban Hotel (1.5km from KEK):
    2-1-2 Tsukuho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 300-3257, Japan
    TEL: +81-29-877-0001 FAX: +81-29-877-0700

          KEK Theory Workshop 2019 special discount (40 rooms)
            Please check "KEK Meeting Online Reservation" on the above hotel website.
            You will be asked for a password to book the room.
            Use the following password : th2019
    * The special discount has been available until Nov. 18th.

 ​     * Shuttle Bus between Urban Hotel and KEK

Date From Urban Hotel to KEK From KEK to Urban Hotel
12/3(Tu) 9:00 18:30
12/4(We) 9:00 18:30
12/5(Th) 9:00 18:00, 20:50
12/6(Fr) 9:00 ---

★ KEK dormitory
         * Those who wish to stay at KEK dormitory need the following KEK user registration.

         * Reservation starts 45 days before your stay, approximately from Oct. 20th.

User Registration for Booking KEK dormitory

For participants who don't have a KEK User account.

  1. Visit the webpage "KEK User information".
  2. Click User Registration in the left menu.
  3. Read the terms and click Agree at the bottom.
  4. Fill in the blank using the following information.
     [English]  [Japanese]
    (Please enter the period from your registration date to 31st Mar. 2020.)
  5. After Continue, please confirm the next page and push Agree.
  6. You will receive your User ID and Password by e-mail within 2 business days (via human processing).
  7. Change your Password within 48 hours, otherwise it will be expired.


For participants who have already got their User ID on the previous visit to KEK in 2007 or later.

  1. Please login from the webpage : "KEK User information"
    (User ID is your registered e-mail address. 
    If you don't remember your Password, please e-mail Users Office <uo1 (at)>.)
  2. Click +Administrative Procedures for Visiting KEK/J-PARC in the left menu.
  3. Click 2. Identify the purpose of your visit to KEK/J-PARC just below.
  4. Fill in the blank using the following information
     [English]  [Japanese]
    (Please enter the period from your registration date to 31st Mar. 2020.)
  5. Click Next and Agree.
  6. You will get e-mail within 2 business days (via human processing)


Booking KEK Dormitory

We recommend early booking since many guests visit KEK for the period.
You can book a room at KEK Dormitory from 45 days before your stay, approximately Oct. 20th.

Procedure to book a room at KEK dormitory :

You can find detail of KEK Dormitory at the website below.


■Other hotels

 ※ No shuttle bus service to KEK. Please take public transportation.

★ Okura Frontier Hotel Tsukuba Main Building (2 min. walk from Tsukuba station)
【MAIN BUILDING】1-1364-1 Azuma, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,305-0031, Japan
【EPOCHAL】 2-20-1 Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,305-0032, Japan
    Tel: 029-852-1112 Fax 029-852-5623  
★ Daiwa Roynet Hotel Tsukuba(1 min. walk from Tsukuba station)
    1-5-7, Azuma, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-0031
    TEL 029-863-3755 FAX 029-863-7955

★ Tsukuba Kenshu Center (cheap, far from Tsukuba station)
    1-13-5, Amakubo, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-0005
    TEL 029-851-5152 FAX 029-851-8886 

★ Find more Hotels in Tsukuba
     KEK visiter information

     Tsukuba city visitor information