Hikaru Kawai
12/3/19, 10:30 AM
We discuss the possibility that naturalness can be understood as an effect of quantum gravity. In particular, we will consider a mechanism by which the electroweak scale is naturally obtained from the Planck scale.
Masatoshi Yamada
12/3/19, 11:30 AM
Asymptotically safe quantum gravity is one of candidates for quantum gravity. It is essential that there exists a non-trivial fixed point for gravitational couplings. In this talk we review the current status of the asymptotic safety scenario for gravity-matter systems.
Yoshimasa Hidaka
12/5/19, 10:30 AM
I discuss possible phases of QCD at finite temperature, density and/or strong fields. In particular, I discuss the possibility of topological phases in dense QCD matter.
Takahiro Nishinaka
12/5/19, 11:30 AM
Takeshi Morita
12/5/19, 3:00 PM
We discuss that the black hole geometry around the event horizon in semi-classical gravity could be significantly different from that of the classical one. This is due to the Hawking radiation of the higher angular momentum modes of matter fields that was believed to be irrelevant.
12/5/19, 3:00 PM
The type IIB matrix model has been studied as a candidate of non-perturbative formulation of superstring theory. In particular, by Monte Carlo simulation of the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model, (3+1)-dimensional expanding space-time was shown to emerge dynamically. With its detailed analysis, we found that the emergent 3-dimensional space is essentially described by the Pauli matrices, we...
Double field inflation of generalized dilaton-axion models with a new Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term
Ping Kwan Man
12/5/19, 3:00 PM
In this talk, we are going to talk about inflation dynamics by KKLT-like model modified by a new Fayet-iliopoulos (FI) term. KKLT model, motivated by superstring theory, gives the AdS vacuum, which is phenomenologically forbidden. Although previous studies solved this problem by adding a D3 bar or D7 contribution to uplift the vacuum to zero, it is not flat enough to provide the initial...
12/5/19, 3:00 PM
We study the unitary one-matrix model with the logarithmic potential. It has been known that a hermitian one-matrix model with a logarithmic potential yields the prepotential of 4d N=2 SU(2) SUSY gauge theory as its large-N free energy. We give a rigorous proof that the unitary matrix model with the potential of the same form as the hermitian matrix model for 4d N=2 Nf=2 SU(2) SUSY gauge...