[P21] Shielding design for 3 GeV next generation synchrotron radiation facility

18 Nov 2021, 16:00
2h 30m
Board: P21


Dr Hiroki Matsuda (QST)


A compact 3 GeV light source is currently constructed at Aoba campus of Tohoku university in Miyagi prefecture, in which both soft and hard x-rays are to be available. In this facility, an area outside of optical hatch is set to a non-restricted area. For that purpose, gas bremsstrahlung radiation that is generated by interacting electrons with residual gas in the beam pipe must be shielded. On the other hand, the design of the beam dump of 3 GeV electron at LINAC is also designed. We present shielding design for optical hatch and LINAC beam dump.

Primary author

Dr Hiroki Matsuda (QST)


Masayuki Hagiwara (QST) Akihiro Takeuchi (QST) Toshiro Itoga (JASRI) Hiroyuki Konishi (QST)

Presentation materials