Medical, Radioisotope Production, Analysis 医療,アイソトープ生成および分析
- Hiroki IWAMOTO (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Targeted alpha-particle therapy (TAT), using short-lived alpha emitters such as At-211, Ac-225 and Ra-223, is one of remarkable cancer treatment methods especially for refractory cancer. At-211 with a half-life of 7.2 hours is produced by the nuclear reaction of 209Bi(4He,2n)211At. The energy of a 4He2+ ion beam should be tuned to 29 MeV or less to avoid production of At-210 which decays to a...
In general, the 211At nuclide, a prospective candidate for targeted alpha radiotherapy, has been produced through the 208Bi(4He,2n)211At reaction. In contrast, our project is focused on the production in the 208Bi(7Li,2n)211At reaction using the JAEA tandem accelerator [1,2]. This enables us to supply 211At in a 211Rn/211At generator system. The daughter 211At of 7.2 h in half-life is...
Laser driven ion acceleration is one of the novel mechanism for compact ion acceleration. However, this mechanism have problems which are multi ions species and broad energy in the acceleration beam. Beam for medical application, especially , must be constructed with a monochromatic energy and one nuclide by safety controlling the quality of laser-driven accelerated beams. We report how to...
Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is an analytical method that combines mass spectrometry with a tandem accelerator, which has been used mainly in nuclear physics experiments. AMS is used to measure radionuclides with half-lives of 10$^3$-10$^8$ years. For radionuclides with half-lives of this order, the method of measuring their mass is 10$^3$-10$^6$ times more sensitive than measuring...