3–6 Dec 2019
Japan timezone

IR renormalon in a compactified spacetime: the case of the QCD(adj.) on R3×S1

4 Dec 2019, 09:30
Kobayashi Hall, Kenkyu-Honkan bldg. 1F (KEK)

Kobayashi Hall, Kenkyu-Honkan bldg. 1F



Prof. Hiroshi Suzuki


An interesting possibility that the ambiguity in perturbation theory caused by the IR renormalon is cancelled by the instability associated with a semi-classical object called bion has been suggested in the context of the resurgence program of asymptotically-free quantum field theories. To reinforce this picture on the IR renormalon, the understanding of the IR renormalon in a compactified space such as RD1×S1 seems to be a basic premise. In this talk, I report our recent analysis on the IR renormalon in the gluon condensate in the SU(N) QCD(adj.) on R3×S1 with the ZN twisted boundary conditions. In the large N limit within the so-called large β0 approximation, we find that the vacuum polarization of the W-boson, which acquires the twisted momentum from the boundary conditions, gives rise to the renormalon ambiguity that is identical to that in the system in the un-compactified space, R4. This situation is completely different from that in the 2D CPN1 model on R1×S1 (the analyses on the latter will be presented by Dr. Takaura and Mr. Morikawa).

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