3–6 Dec 2019
Japan timezone

Infrared renormalon in the supersymmetric CPN1 model on R×S1

5 Dec 2019, 15:00
In front of Kobayashi Hall, Kenkyu-Honkan bldg. 1F (KEK)

In front of Kobayashi Hall, Kenkyu-Honkan bldg. 1F



Mr Okuto Morikawa


In the leading order of the large N approximation, we study the renormalon ambiguity in the gluon (or more appropriately, photon) condensate in the two-dimensional supersymmetric CPN1 model on R×S1 with the ZN twisted boundary conditions. In our large N limit, the combination ΛR, where Λ is the dynamical scale and R is the S1 radius, is kept fixed (we set ΛR1 so that the perturbative expansion with respect to the coupling constant at the mass scale 1/R is meaningful). We extract the perturbative part from the large N expression of the gluon condensate and obtain the corresponding Borel transform B(u). For R×S1, we find that the Borel singularity at u=2, which exists in the system on the un-compactified R2 and corresponds to twice the minimal bion action, disappears. Instead, an unfamiliar renormalon singularity emerges at u=3/2 for the compactified space R×S1. The semi-classical interpretation of this peculiar singularity is not clear because u=3/2 is not dividable by the minimal bion action. It appears that our observation for the system on R×S1 prompts reconsideration on the semi-classical bion picture of the infrared renormalon.

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