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Accomplishments and mysteries in quark flavor physics (KM 50) / KEK Flavor Factories workshop (KEK-FF 2023)

Kobayashi Hall (KEK Tsukuba Campus)

Kobayashi Hall

KEK Tsukuba Campus

Tsukuba, Japan

The symposium "Accomplishments and mysteries in quark flavor physics (KM 50) is organized to celebrate the fruitful history of the quark flavor physics in the past 50 years since the ground-breaking paper by M. Kobayashi and T. Maskawa in 1973. It is accompanied by a workshop "KEK Flavor Factories 2023", which is one in the series of KEK-FFs to discuss the current status of the field.

The event consists of KEK-FF 2023 on February 9-10, followed by KM 50 on February 11.  For more details such as the confirmed speakers and travel info, please visit the conference webpage.

The registration is reopened for on-site participants. Please note that the event will be broadcasted through zoom webinar.

KM 50 Organizers: Naohito Saito (chair, IPNS, KEK), Shoji Hashimoto, Junji Hisano (KMI, Nagoya) Toru Iijima (KMI, Nagoya) Mikihiko Nakao, Mihiko Nojiri, Tadashi Nomura, Shoji Uno (* IPNS, KEK if not specified)

KEK-FF 2023 Organizers: Motoi Endo, Shoji Hashimoto (chair), Akimasa Ishikawa, Takashi Kaneko, Teppei Kitahara (KMI, Nagoya) Shohei Nishida (* IPNS, KEK if not specified)

Registration form for KM 50 and KEK-FF 2023
  • Abdul Basith Kaliyar
  • Abner Soffer
  • Adrian Bevan
  • Aida El-Khadra
  • Akimasa ISHIKAWA
  • Alan Schwartz
  • Alexander Glazov
  • Amarjit Soni
  • Andrzej J. Buras
  • Anja Novosel
  • Ankit .
  • Anton Poluektov
  • Antonio Passeri
  • Bernat Capdevila
  • Boris Shwartz
  • Bryan FULSOM
  • ByungGu Cheon
  • C.S. Lim
  • Chanho Kim
  • Chanyoung LEE
  • Cheolhun Kim
  • Chien Yeah Seng
  • Claudia Cornella
  • Claudia Pivaral
  • Cyrille PRAZ
  • Daniel Dorner
  • Daniel Greenwald
  • David Marzocca
  • Diego Tonelli
  • Dmytro Levit
  • Dmytro Meleshko
  • Doris Yangsoo Kim
  • Eibun Senaha
  • Emi KOU
  • Eunji Jang
  • Florian Bernlochner
  • Gaku ISAGO
  • GeiYoub Lim
  • Giacomo De Pietro
  • Gianluca Inguglia
  • Gudrun Hiller
  • Géraldine Räuber
  • HanEol Cho
  • Hiroo KUMAGAI
  • Hiroyuki Ishida
  • Hongrong Qi
  • Huw Haigh
  • Hyeonja Jhang
  • Ichiro Adachi
  • Jaeyoung Kim
  • Jihyeok Jeong
  • Junaid Ur Rehman
  • Junewoo Park
  • Junji Haba
  • Junji Hisano
  • Justin Skorupa
  • Karim Trabelsi
  • Karol Adamczyk
  • Katsuro Nakamura
  • Kazunori Kohri
  • Kei Yamamoto
  • Keisho Hidaka
  • Kodai Matsuoka
  • Koji Hara
  • Kåre Fridell
  • Latika Aggarwal
  • Laura Zani
  • Lu Cao
  • Luka Santelj
  • Makoto Takizawa
  • Markus Prim
  • Markus Reif
  • Martin Hoferichter
  • Marzia Bordone
  • Masashi Hazumi
  • Matt Barrett
  • Matthew Kenzie
  • Matthias Neubert
  • Michiko Sekimoto
  • Mikihiko Nakao
  • Minxi He
  • Mirco Dorigo
  • Morimitsu Tanimoto
  • Motoi ENDO
  • Nadiia Maslova
  • Nanae Taniguchi
  • Naohito SAITO
  • Nicola Serra
  • Oliver Witzel
  • Pankaj Chetry
  • Patrick Koppenburg
  • Paul Feichtinger
  • Petar Rados
  • Peter Lewis
  • Philipp Horak
  • Protick Mohanta
  • Roman Zwicky
  • Ryan Kellermann
  • Ryoji Higami
  • Ryosuke Itoh
  • Ryuichiro Kitano
  • Sadaharu Uehara
  • Satoshi Mishima
  • Seema Choudhury
  • Shigemi Ohta
  • Shohei NISHIDA
  • Shoji UNO
  • Shubhangi Krishan Maurya
  • Shuji Tanaka
  • Slavomira Stefkova
  • Sookyung Choi
  • Sourav Dey
  • Stephen Olsen
  • Steven Robertson
  • Sungjin Cho
  • Tadashi NOMURA
  • Takashi Kaneko
  • Takeo Higuchi
  • Takeshi Komatsubara
  • Taku Yamanaka
  • Takuya Morozumi
  • Teppei Kitahara
  • Tetsuo Shindou
  • Thibaud Humair
  • Thomas Mueller
  • Tom Browder
  • Toru Goto
  • Toru Iijima
  • Toru Tsuboyama
  • Toshiyuki Morii
  • Tristan Fillinger
  • Tsutomu Mibe
  • Vincenzo Maria Vagnoni
  • Volodymyr Takhistov
  • Wang Guangjuan
  • Wenbin Qian
  • Wiechczynski Jaroslaw
  • Wolfgang Gradl
  • Worapat Piensuk
  • Xiaodong Shi
  • Yasuhiro Okada
  • Yongkyu Kim
  • Yu Nakazawa
  • Yuki Sue
  • Yukinari Sumino
  • Yuko Urakawa
  • Yutaka Ushiroda
  • Zhou Qidong
  • Zoltan Ligeti
    • KEK-FF Opening Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KEK-FF Session: 1 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Shohei NISHIDA (KEK IPNS)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KEK-FF Session: 2 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Mirco Dorigo (INFN Trieste)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KEK-FF Session: 3 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Boris Shwartz (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
      • 6
        S-wave fully charmed tetraquark resonant states
        Speaker: Guangjuan Wang (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 7
        Status of BESIII experiment and results on exotic hadrons
        Speaker: Wolfgang Gradl (Uni Mainz, Inst.f.Kernphysik)
      • 8
        Status of LHCb experiment and results on exotic hadrons
        Speaker: Anton Poluektov (CPPM Marseille)
    • 15:00
      Coffee break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KEK-FF Session: 4 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Motoi ENDO (KEK)
      • 9
        Status of the muon $g-2$ and opportunities at Belle II
        Speaker: Martin Hoferichter (University of Bern)
      • 10
        Status and plan on HVP measurements at Belle II
        Speaker: Yuki Sue (Nagoya University)
      • 11
        g-2, LFV and EDM in flavor symmetry
        Speaker: Kei Yamamoto (Hiroshima Institute of Technology)
    • KEK-FF Panel discussion Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • 18:00
      KEK-FF Reception Izumi no sato

      Izumi no sato

    • KEK-FF Session: 5 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Steven Robertson (IPP / University of Alberta)
      • 12
        b -> sll at the LHCb experiment
        Speaker: Nicola Serra (University of Zurich)
      • 13
        b->sl+l- at Belle II
        Speaker: Sasha Glazov (DESY)
      • 14
        Status of Lepton Flavour Universality Violation in b --> sll data
        Speaker: Bernat Capdevila (U. Autònoma de Barcelona and U. Cambridge DAMTP)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KEK-FF Session: 6 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Teppei Kitahara (Nagoya University / KEK)
      • 15
        Theory of B->K l+l- decays and QED
        Speaker: Roman Zwicky (Edinburgh University, Higgs Centre)
      • 16
        Structure-Dependent QED Effects in Exclusive B Decays at Subleading Power
        Speaker: Claudia Cornella (ohannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
      • 17
        Beautiful and charming lattice QCD calculations
        Speaker: Oliver Witzel (University Siegen)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KEK-FF Session: 7 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Takashi KANEKO (KEK / KMI)
      • 18
        Precise determination of Vud and the Cabibbo angle anomaly
        Speaker: Chien Yeah Seng (FRIB and University of Washington)
      • 19
        Renormalon subtraction in |Vcb| determination
        Speaker: Yukinari Sumino (Tohoku University)
      • 20
        Recent measurements of |Vxb| from Belle (II)
        Speaker: Lu Cao (DESY)
    • 15:00
      Coffee break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KEK-FF Session: 8 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Akimasa ISHIKAWA (KEK)
    • KM50 Opening Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      • 25
        Opening address
        Speaker: Masanori Yamauchi (KEK)
    • KM 50 Session 1 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Mikihiko NAKAO
      • 26
        Theory of CP angle measurements
        Speaker: Amarjit Soni (BNL)
      • 27
        50 years of KM --- from an experimentalist's perspective
        Speaker: Stephen Olsen (Chung Ang University)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KM 50 Session 2 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Prof. Mihoko NOJIRI (KEK)
      • 28
        The golden age of heavy-flavor theory
        Speaker: Matthias Neubert (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
      • 29
        Testing the unitarity triangle with BaBar
        Speaker: Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KM 50 Session 3 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Toru Iijima (Nagoya University, KMI)
      • 30
        Theory of |KM|
        Speaker: Zoltan Ligeti (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
      • 31
        The role of lattice QCD in CKM physics
        Speaker: Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois)
      • 32
        Flavour Physics at LHCb
        Speaker: Patrick Koppenburg (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
    • 15:00
      Coffee break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • KM 50 Session 4 Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
      Convener: Yasuhiro Okada (KEK)
      • 33
        Theory of Kaon Decays: 50 Years Later
        Speaker: Andrzej J. Buras (TUM-IAS)
      • 34
        Kaon Experiments
        Speaker: Taku Yamanaka (Osaka University)
      • 35
        Prospect of the Belle II experiment to further elucidate the KM mechanism and beyond
        Speaker: Nanae TANIGUCHI
      • 36
        Flavor mixing: a window toward New Physics
        Speaker: Gino Isidori (University of Zurich)
    • KM 50 closing Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Tsukuba, Japan
    • 19:00
      KM 50 Banquet Sansuitei
